Birth Center Care, Hospital Birth: 4 Reasons to Plan a Hospital Delivery with the Roots Team

Are you looking for a pregnancy and birth experience that includes holistic, personalized care and a hospital delivery? If you are considering hospital birth in the Twin Cities area and are due in October 2021 or later, you can come to Roots Community Birth Center for your prenatal care and birth your baby at North Memorial Health Hospital in Robbinsdale.

Thanks to this unique partnership, you will see our family medicine physicians and advanced practice nurses at Roots Birth Center during pregnancy. When it’s time for labor and birth, our midwives and family practice doctors will care for you at North Memorial.

Birthing people who use our planned hospital birth support at North Memorial will have access to all that the hospital has to offer.

  • The LDRP method of care, which means you labor, deliver, recover, and spend postpartum time all in one room. One unit, one room, one care team.

  • Non-pharmacologic and medicated pain management options.

  • Support of vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC).

  • One of the lowest cesarean rates in the state for hospital birth.

  • Meticulous care and resources from the NICU.

This model allows you to have a hospital birth with the Roots team, philosophy and practices, helping you to have a positive birthing experience. How do you know if this hybrid approach is right for you? Here are four reasons to plan a hospital birth with the Roots team.

You prefer personalized, holistic care

When you see the family physicians and advanced practice nurses at Roots, you get individualized prenatal care that recognizes you as a whole person. We focus not just on your physical health, but also your mental and emotional well-being as we get to know you personally. And you get to know us! During your pregnancy, you’ll meet all of the members of our planned hospital birth team, ensuring you have a trusting relationship with the provider who attends your birth.

In addition, the Roots team practices true informed consent, meaning we never perform a test, screening, or exam without fully explaining the benefits, risks, and alternatives and gaining your permission. We want you to feel empowered in your choices, no matter where you give birth.

You want the option to have a medicated hospital birth

We are passionate about supporting clients who want to have an unmedicated birth, and we believe you can have the birth experience you desire. Similar to Roots, North Memorial has non-pharmacologic pain management options, like birthing balls, nitrous oxide, bubble-jet tubs, and aromatherapy. But we realize birth doesn’t always go as planned. Labor can be long, and exhaustion happens.

When you choose hospital birth with the Roots team, you have access to medications that can aid or support labor if needed. You might choose Pitocin to help labor progress. Or you can decide on IV pain medication or an epidural so you can rest and regain the energy you need to birth your baby. Epidurals can be administered 24/7 without delay. All of these services are available with the same type of whole family care you have come to expect from Roots Birth Center.

You want emergency care to be readily accessible

Pregnancy and birthing are beautiful parts of life for families, but complications can occur. Because of the risks, our physicians and midwives are very careful about evaluating whether it’s safe for a patient to deliver at Roots Birth Center, where emergency care is less accessible than at a hospital.

Still, some families want that emergency care to be readily available to them during the childbirth process and the immediate postpartum. If that’s the case and you don’t feel comfortable birthing outside the hospital, our partnership with North Memorial offers you reassurance. The NICU at North Memorial provides meticulous care and resources, no matter what your birth brings. Keeping birthing parents and babies together is a priority.

You have a risk factor that makes hospital birth the safest option

There are some cases when a client has a medical risk factor that means a birth center delivery is not appropriate. An example is diabetes, either existing diabetes before pregnancy or gestational diabetes that is being managed by medication, not by diet, during pregnancy.

Other conditions that may risk you out of birth center delivery include high blood pressure, a clotting or bleeding disorder, severe anemia, and placenta previa. This is not an all-inclusive list, and we are happy to discuss your individual medical history, questions, and concerns to determine whether a birth center or hospital delivery is the safest option for you.

Would you like to learn more about planned hospital birth with the Roots team? Call us at 612-338-2784 or fill out the contact form.