Emily’s Birth Story

By Roots Community Birth Center client, Emily Shively

Our connection with Roots was born out of the need to find a more affordable option for birth. Even with our insurance, we were not prepared to pay what was being estimated for us at the hospital. From my very first (virtual) tour and meeting with Rebecca and Jaqxun, I felt drawn to the home-like atmosphere and the personal connection I knew I wouldn’t receive at a hospital.

I was going to try to have a natural birth anyway, so I thought, “Why not do it eight blocks from home with these cool people who really care about their patients?” All of my prenatal appointments were amazing, and I felt listened to and valued. I was excited about birthing with these people!

Laboring and Birthing at Roots

On December 9, 2020, I was five days overdue. I had a check-in with the midwife, who told me I was 3 centimeters dilated and 80 percent effaced and that I could have this baby tonight! I took a few long walks, had a bath, and was falling asleep on the couch. At exactly 10 p.m., WHAM! First real contraction.

I was alarmed and thought something was wrong with the baby. Then I realized what was happening and thought to myself, “Oh man, this is going to be really hard.”

Contractions came rhythmically and were close enough together that we got to Roots about an hour later. Lexy was there, preparing and filling the tub. As soon as I got in the water, I felt incredibly relaxed. Even though the contractions were intense, I was able to — with the reminders from our doula and my husband, Cody — stay mostly relaxed, moving the birth along smoothly.

Around 4 a.m., it was time to start pushing, for which I got out of the tub and tried multiple positions. At one point, I was beyond tired and felt I could not go on. The birth team told me I could try sleeping and then try again when I woke up. I almost did, but I realized this would just prolong the work ahead of me. I kept going. I ended up squatting, braced by my husband behind me.

At 4:10 a.m. on December 10, 2020, Gwen took her first breath and I caught mine. She was here and I was done. I had birthed a child without an ounce of medication. I could do anything now!

Feeling Grateful for My Birth Experience at Roots

I recovered while lying in the bed with my baby on my chest and my husband beside me, feeling incredibly grateful for both of them and the team that kept me safe and encouraged.

Cody, Gwen, and I went home just six hours after she was born. Being back in our own space so soon was amazing. I LOVED my experience with Roots and still feel a deep connection with the team who helped bring Gwen into the world.