Shannon’s Birth Story

Rohaan was overdue by 8 days which my babies tend to be. For about a week I’d have strange bouts of contractions and then it would taper off. I had an appointment at Roots in the morning with Rachel and acupuncture and chiropractic care as well at Active Health in St. Paul. That night before active labor we decided to go on a walk, my best friend asked me to take a picture because during that time we were unable to see each other due to the “stay-at-home order”. So, at that moment I took a picture right before we left. I experienced stronger than typical contractions on the walk and when we came back to have dinner I had to catch my breath during contractions. My husband noticed and suggested that I start timing contractions.

I downloaded an app and started timing the contractions and they were 6 – 10 minutes apart so I decided to lay down knowing that I needed to rest if labor was starting. The contractions started to come more frequently when I was lying down. I was so afraid of false labor and I didn’t want to take the hike over to Roots and find out that it wasn’t the right time. I was a little reluctant but the app was telling me its time to call the midwives. My husband kept checking on me and called the midwives. Jaqxun suggested its time to come in and said, “whats the worst that could happen… you have to go home again? “

My husband and I got the little people taken care of and made our way to Roots – it only took about 15 – 20 min to get there, which I was happy about. It was such a pleasure to see Rachel when I came into Roots since I’d had so many prenatal appointments with her and I just saw her that morning. When we arrived, the main room was occupied for another birth so we used the pink room. I still wanted to have a water birth and they said,” no problem” and the staff set up the blow up tub in the pink room . It was such a peaceful experience and space. Rachel asked me, “Is there anything you specifically want to happen in this room?”, which I loved! I asked for lavender in the diffuser and to dim the lighting. I also asked if we we could play music. I was listening to a playlist from Miguel (he’s my anytime all the time pick).

Do you have to check my cervix?”, I asked. “Do you want us to?”, Rachel asked. I remember thinking… no I don’t want to, because I don’t like it. In my other birth experiences they would just do it, I thought it was what happened and there was no choice.

We settled in to the pink room with the birthing ball while the tub was being filled and Rachel reminded me, “you mentioned that you want to flow like water so we’re just gonna flow”. I never felt like it was too much or not enough of them in my space. It was the perfect amount – like a friendship when they know how to lean in and lean back. I sat on the ball for a little bit, I took the time to listen to my body. In my pictures I have huge grins on my face, because I was feeling so at peace. The contractions weren’t bad, it’s almost like the experience and space allowed me to be so comfortable that I wasn’t in pain. It allowed me to have a different relationship with my body and mind. My body was working and I felt my uterus milking the baby down and it was so peaceful. Through each stage of labor there was legitimately a moment of complete bliss and comfort. Like my body would rest for a moment before it went to the next stage. I laid down after being on the ball – Rachel checked in and noticed I had progressed just by how I looked.

When I recognized I was moving to the final stage of labor I realized it’s time to get in the tub. By the time I got into the tub, shortly after Rohaan arrived. It was my first waterbirth and something I had always wanted to do. It was everything you could imagine and more for something you’ve never experienced. Being able to get into that warm water, it’s something everybody should be able to experience. It’s like the forces of earth were with me – it made me feel grounded and in unity.

I knew I was transitioning to push by the pressure I was feeling. But when the pressure of pushing feeling would come I decided not to push because I wanted to stay in the moment to test my control and mental strength. I wanted the full essence of the experience and wanted to relish in it a bit more. When I realized I could negotiate with the pushing feeling it felt so empowering. Rachel mentioned to Nicole, the birth assistant, that my breath was changing and they got ready for the baby to be born. Then on the next contraction I decided to push, his shoulders got a little stuck after 3-4 pushes. I gave a strong push and he arrived without any intervention.

If you are intrigued by this story and are interested in finding out how Root’s Community Birth Center could support you at your birth please contact us for a free consultation.

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