The Birth of Griffin James
By Roots Community Birth Center client, Anna Beech
On Tuesday, September 7, 2021, my prodromal labor started. I woke up the next morning still experiencing contractions, but they were not increasing in intensity or getting closer together. Then began the longest week ever!
My contractions continued for the next week, about every 6-12 minutes with stalls a couple times a day. I got a massage, I tried acupuncture for the first time ever (working through my fear of needles), and every day was filled with cat/cow poses, side-lying release, forward-leaning positions, and lots of walking. I was trying to go about things like usual, not wanting to see anyone and have them ask when the baby was coming.
I woke up early in the morning on September 16 around 3:30 a.m. with contractions that were consistent and stronger than any yet. I laid in bed assuming they would subside yet again! After about 15 minutes, I couldn’t stay lying down anymore. I started bouncing on my ball and began timing contractions, which were coming every three minutes consistently. They were definitely stronger, so I was excited to finally have things moving!
Around 4:30 a.m., I called the midwives, and we decided to check in after an hour because I was managing well and comfortable at home. We called my husband’s mom around 5 to have her come down to be with my daughter. This was the real deal!
Arriving at Roots
We met the Roots team at 6:15 a.m. After Jamie listened to the baby and checked all my vitals. My husband, Ray, and I were left alone, and I was able to get comfortable and do my thing. With lots of candles, my “birth jams” playlist, and my robe, I was set. Ray put on some of my calming oil so he smelled good when I held onto him. Lots of movement, walking, bouncing, cat poses, and lunges. Contractions stayed pretty consistent at every three minutes, but they were getting more powerful!
I took a shower. (The smoke alarms went off because of steam or a dead battery — still not sure, but it was funny nonetheless). My doula, Amy, arrived right as I was getting out. We did some mountain poses and hip-opening lunges. Before going to rest, we did side-lying release on both sides. Wow, was that intense!
Meeting My Baby
After that, I laid down to rest, but I was feeling lots of pressure, so I wanted to be checked. I was 9.5 centimeters and almost fully effaced. I did some forward leaning in bed on the peanut ball. Not too long after, I felt LOTS OF PRESSURE (I said that a lot!). My water broke, so Ray let Rachel, the midwife, know, and pushing started soon after!
Our little boy’s head came out shortly after I started pushing. He came down and out fast! It all happened very quickly. Then things got a little tricky. The rest of his body took another two minutes to push out. I was pushing as hard as I could, and Rachel and Jamie were both working to help get him out. Success! At 11:32 a.m. on September 16, 2021, Griffin James was born.
It turned out that this little boy’s fancy entrance was caused by some shoulder dystocia. His umbilical cord was wrapped around his wrist and had his arm pinned behind his back! Also, that’s probably why I was in prodromal labor for so long. He was all kinds of wonky in there.
Griffin decided that wasn’t enough excitement, and he needed a little extra help starting to breathe. After 30 seconds of chest stimulation and 30 seconds of assisted air, he made his grand entrance cry, and I was able to snuggle all 8 pounds and 14 ounces of him.
Going Home as a Family of Four
After everything was situated Ray, Griffin, and I were left to snuggle, and we ordered Potbelly’s for food. The chocolate shake was really melted but delicious nonetheless! I had a veggie melt, which I found the leftovers of in our bag a couple days later at home.
Ariya came by, and our little girl was so excited to meet her little brother! We all were able to go home around 4:30 p.m. It was so nice to get home and snuggle together in bed.